Maharishi University of Enlightenment

MUE Online is a learning platform that offers women a holistic approach to education, developing the individual’s inner consciousness and clarity of mind through self-improvement courses that provide both knowledge and personal growth in an accessible, inclusive, and nourishing learning environment.

Starting Soon – Children's Folklore: Beyond the joy and fun lies a world of benefits.

Begins July 27th! Musicologist Kristina Planjanin Simić will lead live online classes once a week to explore the power of storytelling in early life and development. Click below to learn more.
To Watch the REPLAY Live Q/A Chat, Click the Enroll Now Button.
To Watch the REPLAY Live Q/A Chat, Click the Enroll Now Button.

Consciousness-Based Education Online

It’s no secret that remote learning is something all of us need. Our schedules and lifestyles require that education comes to us. Maharishi University of Enlightenment offers its quality education and enrichment programs to women all over the world. Our unique Consciousness-Based℠ education model is optimized for learning with a sense of ease and dialogue.
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What makes our education unique?

Total Knowledge

Total Knowledge of Natural Law means understanding the big picture of life—the full range of the creativity and intelligence inherent in the universe—and experiencing our intimate connection with that cosmic reality. 

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Education for Enlightenment

When we know the big picture—the basis of the whole range of life—we embody the total potential of nature’s creative intelligence and spontaneously express this knowledge in every aspect of life. This is Enlightenment. Creating enlightenment is the purpose of MUE Online.

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Education for Women

Maharishi University of Enlightenment's courses—taught by women, for women—create an environment that is particularly enriching and empowering for women. 

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Take a Self-Paced Introduction to Maharishi Gandharva Veda Vocal Music with Srimati Anita Roy

"Gandharva music is the eternal melody of nature, which is ever lively inTranscendental Consciousness. From there it reverberates and constructs different levels of creation. Gandharva Veda is the basis of all order and harmony in nature; therefore it has that most harmonizing, most integrating influence." 
– Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

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Self-Paced Courses Available Now

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MUE Celebrates
25 Years of Consciousness-Based Education  

We were pleased to celebrate our silver jubilee with all of you. To continue to make this unique education for women and girls possible for another 25 years we ask you to consider making a donation.